Town of Tappahannock Statement Concerning the Fire

Tappahannock Historic District
105 Year Fire

On the morning of Friday July 15, 2022, the Town of Tappahannock was visited by one of the most vicious demonic forces known to us. Fire has again destroyed a historical and valued portion of Tappahannock's downtown. The fire affected many businesses, a home, as well as our way of life in the entire community. We were fortunate that there were no bodily injuries or loss of life as a result of the visit.

The Town of Tappahannock was truly blessed to have had the Tappahannock- Essex Volunteer Fire Department, law enforcement and all the emergency services available to battle this fire. The aid from all the communities surrounding Tappahannock and beyond is greatly appreciated. These efforts show the great level of support and care that citizens and communities have for one another.

The outstanding display of citizenship and volunteerism should make everyone in the community very proud. These types of sacrifices by citizens and others are what truly make us a strong and viable community. The business community, along with our citizens displayed the highest level of character, while allowing their true colors of unity, support and appreciation to shine.

We are actively working with many parties to see that our town fully recovers from this tragic event. Moving forward will test our strength and willingness to continue to work together as one community. There will be many tasks ahead, but they will be completed with cooperation and support. The effort will require many resources. Federal, state as well as private partners, will have a role to play in the rebuilding. All have reached out to the town to offer support and resources. The rebuilding will take some time and will surely be done in stages. The community will have to demonstrate a high level of patience as we all work together.

Many citizens including me, were born, raised and have remained here. History, community and relationships are important to us. We are all in some way deeply moved and concerned. We feel that the entire town is everyone's yard. A huge part of it has been damaged or destroyed. We will however, rake, shovel, clean, lift and rebuild our community's yard. New growth will emerge and flourish under the care of the citizens of Tappahannock and Essex County. Though it may not seem like it, an opportunity has been forced upon us as a community. We must take time to consider our choices as they will have a long-lasting impact on our community and way of life.

I ask that everyone remain mindful of how fortunate we are to live in such a wonderful place. We are truly blessed with one another's love, care and support. Please share these with others.

God bless the United States and God bless the Town of Tappahannock.

Yours in service,
Roy M. Gladding