Triad’s New Year’s Resolution: Be RED CROSS Ready!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024 - 10:00am

Triad Meeting: Jan. 9 from 10-11 am

Triad’s New Year’s Resolution: Be RED CROSS Ready!

Find out how to be RED CROSS Ready by joining the Essex Co.-Tappahannock Triad at its first meeting of 2024: Tuesday, January 9, from 10-11 am at the Essex Co. School Board hearing room, 109 Cross St. in Tappahannock.

Disaster can happen at any time, so emergency preparedness is vital for your protection. Tony Maida, with the Virginia Red Cross, will focus on emergency preparedness for older adults. He’ll cover what to do before a disaster, during a disaster, and after the disaster. He’ll also drill down with special emphasis on home fires and how to plan for them.

That includes having a working smoke detector. And he’ll explain how to get a smoke detector installed, for free, from the Red Cross. You’ll have a chance to sign up for this important offer.

Triad is a partnership among law enforcement, older citizens, community organizations and others to enhance the safety and quality of life of older people.